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  • Lauren Elizabeth Sharp

Happy Birthday Jagged Little Pill

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

June 9 marks the 20th birthday of Alanis Morrisette’s Jagged Little Pill, released in 1995. My gift to Alanis is to tell you guys why this album/cassette is worth keeping in your car.   

The thing I love about this album is that there is always one track guaranteed to suit whatever mood I am in. Whether I am in love, falling out of love, or just in a plain old shit-storm there is always a track that allows me to indulge into my mood. Morrisette wrote this album at the age of 21 which explains why so many of us twenty somethings love her. She’s experiencing what we are all experiencing: growing up and realising life is never how you map it out to be.

The attitude she brings to her music creates a feminist approach to the album, you hear her anger in ‘You Outta Know’ when she has just broken up with an ex boyfriend declaring her self expression, self love and self respect. Ladies we all need to hear these empowering songs some parts in our life right!

Jagged Little Pill, released June 131995 (credit:: unknown)

In all, Morrisette is tackling the tales and triumphs of life, whether it being the traffic jam when your already late, or the good advice that you just didn’t take. We do all go off the track from time to time and when you do Jagged Little Pill is here for us. 

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